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2118 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Kickstart my heart

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  • Re: Kickstart my heart

    As you can see both of these gamebooks in question have reached and exceeded there target goals.

    As well as other gamebooks listed on kickstarter doing well at the moment. Midnight legion, The Good, the bad, the undead.

    From looking at past gamebooks on that site it seems that most if not all have been funded and released.

    Food for thought.

  • Re: Kickstart my heart

    Yes, those projects have been very encouraging.

    There may be some exciting developments for DestinyQuest coming in the next couple of months - nothing concrete yet so I can't make any formal announcements obviously, but if the project is given the green light then there will be lots of happy DQ gamers, trust me.

    Of course, it may not go ahead - in which case I will start looking at other options. Although I don't think I could take any book to kickstarter until it was written or at least 75% towards completion.

  • Re: Kickstart my heart

    I've recently got back into gamebooks (after a 30 year gap, gulp!) thanks to Destiny Quest and the Inkle stuff on iThings and I'm really, really enjoying DQ ( and I find it works well with the Elder Scrolls sound tracks playing in the background )

    Even though volumes 2&3 are sat on my bookshelf unplayed as yet, I'd KS number 4 without hesitation from what I've played of Legion of Shadow.

    Here's hoping for good things ahead!

  • Re: Kickstart my heart

    There may be some exciting developments for DestinyQuest coming in the next couple of months - nothing concrete yet so I can't make any formal announcements obviously, but if the project is given the green light then there will be lots of happy DQ gamers, trust me.

    Was this statement in reference to the release of of DQ1: Act 3 or is there potentially something else in the pipeline? I don't want details you're not allowed to share (especially if that could screw the "greenlighting") but I am curious to know if there's potentially more original material to come.

  • Re: Kickstart my heart

    It was not in reference to the DQ1 app. ;)

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