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Topic: LoS - Error Following Rune Puzzle?

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  • LoS - Error Following Rune Puzzle?

    I'm currently playing LoS (2nd ed), and I've run into something that I think may be an error.

    ***Spoilers Follow***

    I just solved the number puzzle at 456, and picked up some treasure at 397. From there I proceeded to 482. At 482 I defeated Scorpios, and moved onto 506. From there I picked up some scorpion loot. So far, so good. Then I go to 304...

    304 takes me into the swamp as part of a completely different quest. This is where I think there may be an error. Shouldn't I go to 393 instead?

  • Re: LoS - Error Following Rune Puzzle?

    I think you may have turned to the wrong entry for the puzzle. I won't give away the answer here - but if you get the puzzle answer correct, you are asked to turn to 522. And then 393.

    Looks like you thought you got the answer right, but instead it took you into another quest. Scorpios is from the blue quest (The Unicorn's Horn).

  • Re: LoS - Error Following Rune Puzzle?

    Huh. That's a really interesting coincidence that the paragraph I thought the puzzle answer led me to fit in so well. I guess it's back to the puzzle room for me!

    On a side note, now I understand why that scorpion was so hard lol.

  • Re: LoS - Error Following Rune Puzzle?

    That was kind of spooky!

    If you need help with the tricky chest puzzle, there is some advice and help here:

  • Re: LoS - Error Following Rune Puzzle?

    I discovered my error; I neglected a final step in solving the puzzle. Onward to glory!

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