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2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Amazon and other retailers

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  • Re: Amazon and other retailers

    I've not found it that difficult so far. When you come up against something you can't kill like a legendary monster you just come back later. i just did vesuvius and now have the pyro career

    What I like is that you discover something new all the time. your hero is changing as you play and you have to learn new tactics. when I die it is because of really bad luck or I dont use my abilities well enough. When I try again I am ok. The hardest fights are the legendary monsters but they are meant to be hard. I haven't come close to killing hydra or snapjaw. they are a dps race and i don't have the gear....... yet!

  • Re: Amazon and other retailers

    the hardest fights are the legendary monsters but they are meant to be hard. I haven't come close to killing hydra or snapjaw

    save them till after sunken city, then you have the best equipment. Use marshsticks and vanish potions to win rounds and avoid their hits. I play assassin and have a lot of passive and combat damage. not sure about other paths. hardest fights are in sunken city as many enemies are immune to venom >.<

  • Re: Amazon and other retailers

    Man, you are fast. Do you even sleep? lol

  • Re: Amazon and other retailers

    Still no news from; I ordered the book on february 1st, but the site still marks it as "awaiting stock".... hoping they don't have problems to find it...

  • Re: Amazon and other retailers

    I've had word this morning that some people have received their amazon orders but others haven't. I'm not really sure what is going on with Amazon or other online retailers to be honest; these things are sadly out of my hands. The only thing I currently have control over is the collectors sets, which I am posting out same day where possible.

  • Re: Amazon and other retailers

    Stress no more. Amazon are now saying "in stock". Good times

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