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Moderators: Da Boss

2156 Posts in 325 Topics by 281 members

Topic: Career sneak peeks

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  • Re: Career sneak peeks

    The strongest predators. The harshest terrain. For a trapper that's their paradise...

    The third rogue path career is now revealed:

  • Re: Career sneak peeks

    Looking good!

    Keen to see what the next Mage career will be (the Mage path is my favourite)!

    I think I will have to demand that Book 3 is published this week. If my demand is not met I will have to send my Necro and his shady mates over to the Gollancz offices to have a persuasive discussion.

    Seriously though - it really is looking good.

  • Re: Career sneak peeks

    Loving the new classes. Trapper looks really interesting

  • Re: Career sneak peeks

    Just curious. What hero will we be using in team battles for the next book? Do we get a choice or is it our hof hero?

  • Re: Career sneak peeks

    There are no team battles in the third book. A couple were planned, but for narrative and space reasons (and the fact that most of the end battles in the book are pretty epic anyway) there didn't seem much need for them. However, I'll probably write one as bonus content, which players have the option of including in their playthrough. You would use your HoF hero, yes ;)

  • Re: Career sneak peeks

    The final career sneak peek is now live - the hauntingly epic Revenant:

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