Re: Career sneak peeks
28 October 2013 at 11:47am
Neat! I'm hoping for more of a thief style of character in book 3. The reaver looks more warrior than a rogue. I prefer to play a sneaky type.
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28 October 2013 at 11:47am
Neat! I'm hoping for more of a thief style of character in book 3. The reaver looks more warrior than a rogue. I prefer to play a sneaky type.
29 October 2013 at 7:45pm
I always base the careers on the environment and setting. The rogue careers are not really stealth-based this time around. Such a class wouldn't survive for long in the harsh and unrelenting environment of the north. Expect more rugged careers for warrior, rogue and mage. This is DQ hardcore...
29 October 2013 at 8:08pm
Thief class was in book 2 so expected a change of pace and abilities. Good to know we got some different stuff to look forward to. I like to play rogue. Then mage. Then warror. Lol
29 October 2013 at 8:25pm
You're right that I have stayed clear of generic "thief" style classes (do love 'em though) but I do hope that I have brought a different flavour (and set of strategies) to the three paths this time around - including rogue. I think players/readers will be more surprised with what is in store. I guess I have to strive with each book to keep it feeling new and entertaining!
29 October 2013 at 9:16pm
I can't wait for book three!!!!!! Please make it sooner!
29 October 2013 at 9:59pm
I wish it was up to me, but sadly have no control over release date. If it makes you feel happy, have seen the awesome colour and B/W artwork... Oh yes, it will be worth the wait.
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