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Moderators: Da Boss

2156 Posts in 325 Topics by 281 members

Topic: The Heart of Fire errata

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  • Re: The Heart of Fire errata

    Cheers Rithe.

    I always try and make an argument for 'not' replicating too many things in the glossary to cut down on space (not an issue with the online version I know). Demon blood is essentially just a health boost, Elysium soaked and broken trust are more 'plot-related' status effects to an extent. I suppose Blessed bullets I could see an argument for including in the original.

    I'll get them added to the online one at least.

  • Re: The Heart of Fire errata

    Yeah, I understand your reasoning on those. It's just a pain to need to find it in the book again as well. Maybe I should have marked the page on those

  • Re: The Heart of Fire errata

    Da Boss, only noticed this through the hero builder you helpfully produced, but there seems to be an issue with the blood-sworn set for warriors. Both the gauntlets (679) and chestguard (800) give you the unstoppable ability, which isn't great seeing as you can only use it once per combat.

  • Re: The Heart of Fire errata

    That's a good spot! I'll update the errata list.

  • Re: The Heart of Fire errata


  • Re: The Heart of Fire errata

    Hi, so should the Blood-sworn chestguard (800) also have the 'resolve' ability instead of 'unstoppable'?
    The errata list on page one only mentions the Blood-sworn gauntlets (entry 679).


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