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2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: News update- hardbacks

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  • Re: News update- hardbacks

    In terms of pre-order goodies, it hasn't been confirmed what Gollancz are planning (if anything) regarding extra merchandise. I have done a new set of loot cards (in the traditional style of the original set, although matt rather than glossy) for The Heart of Fire. My intention was to make these available at my signing events (namely, Dragonmeet on 1 December.)

    I will also probably make these available via eBay and/or run a competition. I know Gollancz are rumoured to be running some competitions, possibly with other gaming sites, but nothing confirmed yet.

    Short answer is that there are definitely loot cards, but I'll let you know how these will be obtainable a little nearer to the release. They are not 'super-powered' items - their focus is on the core set of faction careers in Act 1 and giving them access to a career-specific skill much earlier in the game, without having to collect set items. Nice!

    There should be an eBook version for HoF (*). It usually takes a bit longer to come out than the print, so perhaps expect that in the New Year. Again, if I get any info (me, get told anything lol?!) I'll let you know.

    Cheers Kevin - only 23 days to go!

    (*) This will, again, be UK only I'm afraid. There are issues with selling it in other territories (namely the US) due to the ongoing negotiations of book rights. Hopefully, once HoF is out on the shelves, we can get all that tied up and a US publisher sorted.

  • Re: News update- hardbacks

    What a great, newsy reply, Thanks!

    Shame I won't be able to make Dragonmeet (living up here in Scotland, it's tricky!), but I will certainly keep a look out for the new loot cards, along with any other fantastic collectible goodies.

    I wonder when (I am confident of a when, rather than an if) you finally get your US rights organised in the future sometime, whether whatever US publisher you sign with might release a US Hardback version of HoF....hopefully!

    Oh, and one final question that I meant to ask earlier. What is the possibility of there being signed copies of HoF being made available for us poor souls who are unable to make Dragonmeet?

    Would really like a signed copy to add to my signed Paperback and Hardback copies of LoS.

    Many thanks Mike, and the very best of luck with HoF sales!


  • Re: News update- hardbacks

    I'm not sure how and when signed copies will be made available (other than Dragonmeet). I should have more info in the coming weeks.

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