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2156 Posts in 325 Topics by 281 members

Topic: DQ 2

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  • Re: DQ 2

    I just noticed the page count:
    672 for DQ1, 544 for DQ2. Still a happy panda.

  • Re: DQ 2

    Hi Ectalion

    The version of DQ1 you have ordered is the large trade paperback, which matches with this version of DQ2.

    Large trade paperbacks are, as their name suggests, bigger than an ordinary paperback (cover is around 9 inches by 6 inches). It has a nice collector's feel to it. The 'mass trade' paperback out next year is the more cheaply produced version, at normal paperback size (i.e. smaller).

    The second book is around 750 pages. Don't always trust the data on Amazon. ;)

  • Re: DQ 2

    Thanks Boss! I have placed my order for the large paperback. Wow! 750 of goodness!

  • Re: DQ 2


  • Re: DQ 2

    Is the hardback now out of print? I can't see it available anywhere and Amazon say 1 - 2 months?

  • Re: DQ 2

    I'm not entirely sure, but it appears that way. Usually, if Amazon are saying 1-2 months it's a stock problem (yes, bit obvious I know!) - and that would indicate that it's no longer available at the warehouse.

    There are still signed copies of the hardback available at Goldsboro Books. If you're after a hard copy, then I think that's now your best bet:

    As they are numbered and individually stamped - they are more collectible.

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