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Moderators: Da Boss

2139 Posts in 319 Topics by 278 members

Topic: DQ 2

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  • DQ 2

    Even though I pre-ordered the current book from amazon, I didn't get any of the promotional material. This time, I have already pre-ordered Destiny Quest 2 from
    Boss, I have 2 questions for you:
    * Amazon states July 2013 as the release date, how accurate is this?
    * Will I get some promos this time?


  • Re: DQ 2

    Other than the original paperback orders (and maybe a few other instances), the new edition of DQ didn't have any extras with them. DaBoss hasn't announced any extras for DQ2 yet.

    That being said, I'm betting there will be some. We just don't know what or how to get them yet.

  • Re: DQ 2

    Well, there were bookmarks for those who pre-ordered, but I missed them as they were out of stock when I placed mine.

  • Re: DQ 2

    Hi Echtalion

    Just to clear some things up as the current Amazon listing for DQ2 is very confusing (if you've ordered through them - or intending to), they list the following:

    Hardcover 15 Nov

    The £8.99 paperback is the small 'mass trade' paperback that is not out until next year 2013. Don't really understand why Amazon lists this so early, but hey ho.

    Right, the two hardcovers - again, this is confusing. One is the hardback and one is the large trade paperback (the big sexy version of the paperback), both out on 15 Nov this year. I'm not clear myself which is which, as both have been cleverly listed as 'hardcover' - and I have asked my publisher to notify Amazon to get this changed. I am assuming the more expensive version is the actual hardback, but that may not be the case. I'll chase them today and see if I can get clarification.

    At the moment, I haven't heard anything about promotional items for The Heart of Fire. I'd like to think there might be some (have plenty of ideas!). I'll keep people posted. Don't worry, if there are any pre-order promotions, then just keep a copy of your pre-order email and hopefully you won't miss out.

  • Re: DQ 2

    Looking at the product descriptions:

    Hardcover is the (large) trade paperback
    Hardcover 15 Nov is the hardback

    To check, scroll down to product details, publisher. Hopefully this will get amended to make clearer.

  • Re: DQ 2

    Hi Boss, I pre-ordered the paperback DQ1 listed on Amazon at £16.99
    Link here:

    Which version is this? And which version of DQ2 matches it? I assume I have the (large) trade paperback?

    Anyway, what's the difference between the (large) trade paperback and the 'small' trade paperback? Size?

    Cheers, I'll cancel and re-preorder if necessary.

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