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Topic: Kindle ebook not available outside UK?

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  • Kindle ebook not available outside UK?

    Hi, I'm trying to find a way to buy the kindle version of the first book, but the link available in the blog post don't work properly - it redirects me to a 'book not available' page. Any way I can buy it directly?

  • Re: Kindle ebook not available outside UK?

    I can check with my publisher, but I would have thought it would be available overseas as it's a digital download. Have you tried just going onto Amazon and then searching for 'The Legion of Shadow'? The Kindle version appears 13th on the list. Then try visiting that page. I get a 'one click' to buy icon so it looks active and available to me.

    If any US fans have bought the e-version, can you pitch in to this topic to confirm it's availability and help Zenburn out?

    Oh, and those that did get it - posting some reviews would be great ;-)

  • Re: Kindle ebook not available outside UK?

    I tried to search for it the the US amazon store using various related terms, with no luck. If I click directly in the link posted in the news, I see this: . I've tried multiple computers (PCs and Macs) and Browsers (Chrome, IE and Firefox).

    Help me Boss!

  • Re: Kindle ebook not available outside UK?

    That is peculiar. I wonder if I see the 'click to buy' because I am a UK Kindle owner and its only available for the UK. (Which doesn't make a huge amount of sense.)

    Can other US fans confirm? If so, I'll be on to my publisher next week to see if I can get it sorted!

  • Re: Kindle ebook not available outside UK?

    Yes, it does appear there is an availability issue in the States. I've queried this with my publisher, so will update when I know more.

  • Re: Kindle ebook not available outside UK?

    Sadly, I've received news from my publisher that the Kindle/eBook version is not currently available in the States. Gollancz are still in talks with US publishers re: the DestinyQuest franchise, therefore Gollancz cannot, at this time, make the first book available as an eBook.

    Sorry for the bad news, but it is also good news too (if a US publisher snaps up the series). So, fingers crossed and we'll see what happens!

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