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Moderators: Da Boss

2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Android / iPhone App?

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  • Re: Android / iPhone App?

    Wow, good find!

    It's looking nice. It'll be fun to play that in the future.

  • Re: Android / iPhone App?

    It's a very "basic" demo at this stage - but glad you like it!

  • Re: Android / iPhone App?

    Hey, this is the app developer. Good to hear people are checking out the beta! Yes, we're still in beta at the moment, so most of the game is not public. However, I can answer a few questions about it:

    • DestinyQuest Infinite will feature all the book text, and then some. There will also be some new art to go along with it!

    • The core engine is super customizable, so while we don't have any specific mod plans yet, they are on the table...

    • DQI will be out when it's ready.

    In the meantime, if you're interested in being a beta tester/contributor, we do still have room for a few more! Email me ( if you're interested. More official announcements in the future.

  • Re: Android / iPhone App?

    I checked-out the DestinyQuest Infinite sample. It looks great so far!

    It looks like you're tackling the "abilities monster": The abilities are a big collection of corner-cases. The biggest challenge for me is constructing a rules engine that's flexible enough to cover all those cases, then extend as new rules are added.

    I'm excited to see how it turns out!

  • Re: Android / iPhone App?

    The abilities were...a difficult task, let's just say. At the moment we're doing a lot of polishing, testing, and marketing.

    Here's an update in case anyone finds this thread. DestinyQuest Infinite, the digital PC/phone/tablet DQ, is currently in closed beta as of today - I'm dying to show everyone but can't just yet. In the meantime, you can hear about news, DQI events, press clippings, etc. from our mailing list:

    Or our Twitter:

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