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Topic: Kindle and eReader

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  • Kindle and eReader

    Allo. Quick question.

    Amazon has the new version of Legion out on the 7th of May. But there is nothing about the Kindle version. Will that be out at the same time as the print version? I read that there was a Kindle version so keeping fingers crossed

  • Re: Kindle and eReader

    I've not been given a date for the Kindle. I'll check it out with my publisher next week and get back to you. I would have imagined it would be "around" the same time (May, June) - but, of course, the LoS is a little more complicated to put together than a regular eBook. So who knows!

  • Re: Kindle and eReader

    kindle what?? Just buy the app for your ipad or phone rather have the interactive and playable version of the book

  • Re: Kindle and eReader

    Yea but we don't know when the app is coming out or wether it will have all the bonus content that is in the special edition.

  • Re: Kindle and eReader

    I've just had word from my publisher regarding the Kindle edition. It will be on sale at the same time as the print (May). Apparently, info on Kindle editions can't be uploaded to the Amazon sites until nearer the publication date.

    I've no firm news on the app as yet, but I'll be sure to run an update on that soon, once I have something to share.

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