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Moderators: Da Boss

2119 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: DQ Armory / Char Sheet

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  • Re: DQ Armory / Char Sheet

    Hmmm... No it isn't. I noticed that yesterday after my update, and fixed it. I must have forgotten to upload the change I made.

    I uploaded the corrected files, and it looks like it works. You might need to force the browser to refresh (Ctrl + F5 on Windows) the page to make sure everything works.

  • Re: DQ Armory / Char Sheet

    Cool. is this replacing the upload a hero section on the website? This system would save a heap a time putting hero builds up without typing them all out

  • Re: DQ Armory / Char Sheet

    Da Boss has not asked that of me at all. I asked him to make sure I wasn't running into any problems doing this sort of project. Otherwise, that hasn't been discussed.

    That being said, I do want a way to export a nice looking character sheet with stats, and such.

  • Re: DQ Armory / Char Sheet

    Darksorrow, that's an interesting idea. I'm not very technical when it comes to 'web things' so not sure how difficult/easy it would be to integrate with the existing site, but I'm sure this is something we could look at once the database is up and running - even if it works as a separate 'external upload site' which can be linked to from this one.

  • Re: DQ Armory / Char Sheet

    I got to work a little over vacation, not as much as I hoped. Without internet, looking things up proves difficult I'm making some small progress tonight, though. It's close to a point where I can have people start adding some initial data. Still some tweaking and such to do, though.

  • Re: DQ Armory / Char Sheet

    So, I just had one of those "I'm an idiot" realizations. I've been working on a way for people to add the data to my system, and trying to make it as easy as possible. And I had this thought that it would be nice if I could have it in a spreadsheet as well, same thing Ravenous mentioned earlier. If only there was a way for people do do that all at the same time...


    So, I'm now working on setting up a Google Doc Spreadsheet that will be shared publicly for people to add data. There will be different sheets for different things: Abilities (Player and Enemy), Enemies, Items, Careers, etc. I'm also going to try and future-proof it by including which book it is found in.

    That will let me focus on the real app, other than figuring out how to format all that data into something I can use... Makes it easier on one side, harder on the other. Go figure.

    I'll post a link once I've got it up and running for all of you. Might be tonight or tomorrow.

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