Re: DQ2 spoilers!
12 June 2011 at 9:31pm
I'm liking the sound of book 2. But what I really want to hear about is the careers!!!
By the way, do you get 'dead gods' in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay?!
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12 June 2011 at 9:31pm
I'm liking the sound of book 2. But what I really want to hear about is the careers!!!
By the way, do you get 'dead gods' in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay?!
13 June 2011 at 12:18pm
do you get 'dead gods' in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
Technically no, Myrrth, I don't think so. I was paraphrasing a bit for effect - it was some ridiculously rare item that I don't think any player character should have been casually carrying round (Sigmar's Hammer or some other lore item). I don't think the group played the game that seriously. ;)
16 June 2011 at 3:50pm
----They’re sort of the James Bond of the fantasy world, with all their insane weapons and gadgets, finely honed for the single purpose of eradicating evil in ever more imaginative ways---
Exactly. It makes you wonder how they managed to cock up the Van Helsing film as badly as they did.
I for one am looking forward to the return of a certain witchfinder! No mention of Spink? Let's hope he has finally found the blueprints for a holy water cannon hehe.
4 July 2011 at 7:17pm
@ metal dog podcast
I don't think I will try the drinking game or i'll need a stomach pump! ha ha
I like the idea the second book will be much quicker to get paths and careers. That is a good move! I can't wait!
Raids will also be v cool!
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