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2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Release date

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  • Release date

    Dude... sorry to hear the news on the delay. But chin up. These things take time and like you say, will all be worth it in the end. And we get some new careers to stare at so its win win really.

    keep the faith, it will all come good!

  • Re: Release date

    The Blizzard quote says it all: it is done when it is done. I have waited for the release of computer games for months and months and months. That is the norm and sometimes the anticipation is the best part. Or at least, part of the experience. We all know Blizzard, right? Just don't make this the next Duke Nukem :oP

    I look forward to the new careers. Just keep those coming! (More rogue careers tbh!)

  • Re: Release date

    Heya Hun

    I can sense your disappointment.

    I know how passionate you are about this project, but it is still early days. If it makes Christmas sales, great but if it doesn't does it matter? It doesn't take an expert to know that this will sell by the buckletload once it is unleashed on the public. What are a few months anyway?

    I have this ordered for me and my son (both avid games players as you know!). I am talking to as many people as I can about it. The idea 'sells it self' (goodness, marketing speak, whatever next)!

    We can't wait to play it. Now please come back to warcraft!! That IS an order!

  • Re: Release date

    Mad avatar! I like it

    Grotbags ftw!

  • Re: Release date

    I'm surprised you are old enough to remember!

  • Re: Release date

    christ reminds me of an ex girlfriend 0_0

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