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Moderators: Da Boss

2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Is Speed too important?

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  • Re: Is Speed too important?

    Matthew, could you intoduce some kind of item that lets you put clothing/weapons in your backpack? It makes sense, and means that players could switch tacics in the game for a special monster or hang on to 'set' weapons (like Clymonystra's Adornments) until they get the pair.

    I don't think a 'stash' would work - things get too fiddly and the Act thing mucks it up - but I think putting weapons in the backpack could make the game more tactical and fun.

  • Re: Is Speed too important?

    Welcome to the forum Sharpeye!

    I agree with you that the 'stash' idea is not a perfect solution - but at the same time, I didn't feel that the Heart of Fire (where stashes are introduced) requires you to stockpile lots of equipment. The stash is used again in Book Three, but again - it is there as an extra rather than being integral to the game.

    However, with Book Four (if there is a Book Four!) I want to introduce a much deeper, strategic style of gameplay and to complement that I will probably allow you to carry extra equipment in your backpack, to swap before a combat begins. In that way, you can tailor your abilities to each opponent. This may link to certain resistances for example.

  • Re: Is Speed too important?

    Speed is important, but not too important. More battles with high speed score in HoF bored me. I smash everything. In some fight I give extra Speed point to my oponents - this isn't a cheat . May be have to write rule that monsters will have more Speed in Hard level in the game.

    In LoS I play with Padok who have 13 sp. In some moments with 14 sp. But speed ability give me more cheerful battles. I take items with low speed point and abilities that give me more fun.

    P.S. The battles in LoS is more hard than HoF and more number. In the next book I hope more than 100 or 110 battles.

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