
Rules Q&A

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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Death!

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  • Death!

    Hello there - how great to have a place to ask rules questions, wish I had one of these for the Lone Wolf books!

    I'm just wanting some clarification as to how death works. In the rules it mentions that you simply restore health to full and return to the map page. Does this mean you keep everything that you found in that mission? (such as equipment etc).

    In some missions there is a branch where you can head one of two ways. I'm wondering whether if you die, you can start the quest from scratch and try a different route? This is quite useful if there is a hard monster down one way, or if you have missed some loot down the other tunnel.

  • Re: Death!

    You return the entry where you died. When you die you have the option of trying another quest or going to town.

    You can't restart a quest from the start but you keep your loot!

  • Re: Death!


    Does this mean if you enter a quest zone and take the "right tunnel" and miss a gleaming treasure horde that was hidden down the left tunnel, there is no way to retrieve that particular item?

    I've noticed sometimes quests are a little easier if you backtrack and simply take a different route, which may let you avoid certain "nasty" encouters.

  • Re: Death!

    heh i think that is known as cheating but if it helps you get your hero sorted then no one is going to lock you up

  • Re: Death!

    Does that mean if i die during a quest i get fully healed and after that can go on at the reference i died without any penalty?! --> Why should i take any healing potions with me when i can heal anytime (because of dying and returning)
    I think i will give me a small penalty (some gold, item or whatever) to make dying a bad thing instead of only a full heal - Yes i know i shouldn't only think tactically

  • Re: Death!

    You return to where you died, bbut you still have to defeat the monster that killed you.

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