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Topic: Shadowstalker's Shadow speed ability

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  • Shadowstalker's Shadow speed ability

    I've some problem understanding which is the correct description of this ability...
    It is "Shadow speed (sp): When rolling for your attack speed, all results of [1] automatically become a [3]" like in the Italian edition or "Shadow speed (mo): When rolling for your attack speed, all results of [1] can be changed to a [3]"...
    I understand the newest one it is the later, so the Italian one seems to be outdated, but I'm not sure...

  • Re: Shadowstalker's Shadow speed ability

    The Italian version is a direct translation of what is currently in the LoS English version book. That was how the ability was meant to function.

    However, someone pointed out on the forums that there never would likely be a situation where you would ever want a [1] result. Although there might be times you could roll a double [1] and not necessarily want a double, so you could change one die result to a [3].

    It caused some confusion with players, so on the online version of the Glossary I did end up changing it - for ease of understanding. But my original intent was for the version that is in the books (you 'may' change if you wish).

    It is up to you which version you decide to use. I might go back and change the online one actually, to make it consistent.

  • Re: Shadowstalker's Shadow speed ability

    Yeah I want to come in on this and say that choice is always better. Having a choice to decide if you want a result or not is always more powerful. This ability was never an issue in Bk1 but the wording can make a big difference. I say this coming from Bks 2-4 where that could be really major lol

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