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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Do ties in the speed roll count as combat rounds?

Page: 1
  • Do ties in the speed roll count as combat rounds?

    I have a weapon that uses venom, and I often end up in a situation where my speed roll is equal to my opponent, triggering a reroll. I choose not to deduct 2 health from my opponent in these instances, as it just seems too cheap and short to be considered a combat round. But if that's a perfectly acceptable thing for me to do, I'll gladly do it! Anything that defeats my foes faster.

  • Re: Do ties in the speed roll count as combat rounds?

    Passive effects like bleed and venom deal damage every round (once they have been applied to an opponent by dealing them health damage).

    Trust me, you will want to be doing all the damage you can once you progress into the harder opponents. Passive damage is a staple of the rogue path.

  • Re: Do ties in the speed roll count as combat rounds?

    Think of it as you and your opponent doing a series of thrusts and parries, where no one can get the upper hand and land a viscous blow. But all the while, your venom is still coursing through your opponent’s veins. So yes, count the passive damage even if the speed roll is a tie. But any passive damage your opponent does counts against you as well.

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