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Topic: Can I use potions to win challenge tests?

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  • Can I use potions to win challenge tests?

    I made a bad roll in a brawn challenge, but I have a +2 brawn potion that could help me open the tomb in entry 173 of LoS, but I don't know whether potions are purely for combat or not.

  • Re: Can I use potions to win challenge tests?

    I would say no, I remember potions only being allowed in combat, and only one per round. The good news is, you can decide to use it after a roll. So if you have a +2 Speed potion, and you lose the speed roll by 1, you can then take your potion and win the round. Same with the Brawn potion, which is great if your attack leaves your foe with 1-2 hit points. But if you’re trying a skill challenge, rolling one or two dice and adding your skill to try to top a number, the potion may give you too big an advantage. But it’s your book, and if you feel using a potion on a skill roll makes sense, go for it.

  • Re: Can I use potions to win challenge tests?

    Thank you so much for your comment. You just reminded me of a stupid detail I keep forgetting: I can use TWO dice for a challenge! I'll pass the test just fine!

  • Re: Can I use potions to win challenge tests?

    Thank you! When I first started, I thought you had to decide whether or not to use a Speed/Brawn/Magic potion before you made a roll. So if you decided to use your Speed potion, then rolled so well that you didn’t even need it, you felt stupid. I then discovered (on these forums I think) that that’s true of Speed abilities, but not potions, which act like Modifier abilities and can be used any time.

  • Re: Can I use potions to win challenge tests?

    Yep, the above is correct.

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