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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Return to Arena from Act 3?

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  • Return to Arena from Act 3?

    Hello I am wondering if I can return to the arena in LOS from Act 3. I have beast everything else in Act 2 but am stuck on King Louis in the Arena. I don't know if I should just keep trying or go on to Act 3?

  • Re: Return to Arena from Act 3?

    Going by the rules, once you have left an act then you cannot return to a previous one. But obviously, it's your book/game so you are free to bend the rules if you wish!

    Yes, the King Louis fight can be a tough one for certain hero builds!

  • Re: Return to Arena from Act 3?

    Yes, a mage build with low armor makes it very difficult. I guess I will give it a few more attempts.

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