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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Lightning ability

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  • Lightning ability

    I just started fighting a ruffian with the First cut ability. Can that ability automatically trigger my Lightning ability?

    Update: I beat the ruffian in 3 rounds, and did so as if I wasn't allowed to trigger the Lightning ability, but now that I have Rennie's Slicer with the First cut ability, I wonder if upon activating First cut, I can automatically trigger Bleed?

  • Re: Lightning ability

    Every time you take health damage as the result of an opponent's damage score/damage dice...

    This means lightning would not trigger from First Cut, because your opponent is not rolling for a damage score or rolling a damage die.

    First cut
    The description was updated in Winter's Fury to make it explicit that, yes, that damage would inflict any harmful passives that you have - such as bleed and venom.

    With passives like those, always assume they are applied to an enemy when you cause any type of damage.

  • Re: Lightning ability

    Hello dear Destiny Quest community, I wish everyone a happy new year!Is lightning only triggered when I really take damage or also when the opponent rolls for his damage but I don't take any damage due to a high armour value? And how about Abillities like Brutality, retaliation, overpowering, demon spikes,etc. Best regards and have a nice weekend,
    Sir Matzeur.

  • Re: Lightning ability

    Lightning only triggers if you lose any health from your opponent's attack. So, if you are using an ability that avoids you taking damage (like overpower) then lightning would not trigger.

    Also, if an opponent hits you but your armour absorbs all the damage, then lightning does not trigger. You need to lose health for the ability to activate.

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