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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Webbed ability

Page: 1
  • Webbed ability

    If my hero have focus, curse and immobilise ablity, can i use them all in a single combat? That means enemy will roll only 1 attack speed die for 3 rounds in a combat (because i have 3 of that ablities).
    I understand that webbed can only be use once per combat, but the 3 ablities mentioned is different name.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Re: Webbed ability

    I believe that is the case. The reason they are named differently is so that you can use more than 1 per combat.

  • Re: Webbed ability

    But because of the wordings from webbed, i kind of wanna confirm the uncertainty.

  • Re: Webbed ability

    Yes, you can absolutely use all three in one combat. I'll explain it this way: say you have two different items that have the Webbed ability. You can still use Webbed only once per combat. Exact same name, only once per combat (a few abilities like Charm and Heal are exceptions; it says in the Glossary that multiple items with them allow multiple uses). But you have items with Webbed, Curse, and Immobilise. Those all do exactly the same thing. It literally says "see Webbed" under Curse and Immobilise. But they have different names, so you can use each of them once per combat.

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