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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Charm ability

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  • Charm ability

    regarding this ability, i have 2 questions, i would like to focus on if i have multiple charm ability, example, if i have 5 equipment that have the charm ability;
    1) During speed roll phase: if i first roll 2 die,undesired result, and want to re-roll one die(using first charm), i got another undesired result, can i use another charm ability to re-roll that same die until i get the desire result to a maximum of 5 times?(since i have 5 charm ability).

    2) can the charm ability be use in combat but modified enemy special ability die roll with facts that the enemy special ability did not mentioned that we cannot use ability to modify the die roll.

    i understand that there is another thread about this ability, but the answer was not clear enough.

    thank you.

  • Re: Charm ability

    As per the current wording of the ability:

    1) You must accept the result of a rerolled die using the charm ability. So you cannot keep using multiple charms to keep rerolling the same die.

    2) You can only use charm on your own dice - not those of your opponent. This has become a bit of a grey area (see previous posts on this) as people were asking if they could use it on challenge tests related to their hero, if it was part of a combat. I decided this was 'okay' as you are still rolling dice for your hero, rather than the opponent.

    I hope that helps!

  • Re: Charm ability

    Thanks admin. It helps

  • Re: Charm ability

    Charm ability can be use more than once per combat ?
    Thanks in advance.

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