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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: A crucial text error?

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  • A crucial text error?

    Should starting the boss quest in Act 1 say you are only allowed to start the quest if you have competing a quest previously? I guess the red quest? As in this quest you have your companions and the relic which is impossible to have unless you have done it?

  • Re: A crucial text error?

    Hmm, possibly there could have been a safeguard there. I do usually make the assumption that someone starting the final boss encounter of the act has played through the majority of the quests. But yes, perhaps with hindsight I could have added that in.

  • Re: A crucial text error?

    Agreed. I can't imagine why anyone would want to skip any of the content in a book like this. They only reason I mentioned it is as I think there are 2 or 3 other quests wher it says you have to do others before attempting.

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