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Topic: Continuous stacking special damage. Does armour still work? Example battle being Reverend and ghouls.

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  • Continuous stacking special damage. Does armour still work? Example battle being Reverend and ghouls.

    So this fight like the Ant queen has the special ability whereby extra monsters can spawn at the end of each combat round. Ghoul's do 2 damage at the start of the combat round. Does your armour negate that type of damage? There is nothing saying armour not allowed. This in turn means that having armour helps fend off this ability for some time.

    Also, can you use abilities like charm to try and stop these types of spawning or abilities from happening?

  • Re: Continuous stacking special damage. Does armour still work? Example battle being Reverend and ghouls.

    For the ant queen, it specifically says ignore armour for the 1 damage each larva causes. That makes it a really tough fight, where you have to kill the queen quickly before she creates enough spawn to overwhelm you. it doesn't say ignore armour for the ghouls when you fight the Reverend, but it is the same. Armour never negates passive damage (whether from extra opponents or things like bleed or poison), unless the text specifically says it does. I remember that happening once in Book One.

    Since charm lets you reroll your hero's dice but not your opponent's (so your speed or damage dice, yes, but opponent's speed or damage, no), I would say you can't use charm to try and stop the spawning, since your opponent is doing it, thus their dice. But I say if you want to, go ahead, but charm is better use when you roll badly for damage or especially speed.

  • Re: Continuous stacking special damage. Does armour still work? Example battle being Reverend and ghouls.

    Ahh yes it did say that for the ant Queen. I had forgotten. Regardless, for both encounters I didn't use armour as personally I saw it as taking the challenge away. No deaths yet still! Annoyingly as this is my first in the series to fully playthrough I did not use my bore hole charge to kill her either in case I can use it in a quest later. I don't know yet how the structure of these books work as in quest items like that found in a quest only have a use in the quest you find them, or if they are worth saving for later use.

  • Re: Continuous stacking special damage. Does armour still work? Example battle being Reverend and ghouls.

    Sometimes backpack items that seem special are used quickly, and other times you have to wait, and it's taking up valuable backpack space that you could use on speed/healing potions. And even if you save a good item, you might not end up at the right spot to use it. It can be frustrating, but you're always finding and equipping cool new gear.

  • Re: Continuous stacking special damage. Does armour still work? Example battle being Reverend and ghouls.

    Indeed. I do like the vault feature although it is kind of immersion breaking as to how gear gets there and us RPg players are often all about immersion. I am telling myself I cast a teleport spell to place the item in my vault !

  • Re: Continuous stacking special damage. Does armour still work? Example battle being Reverend and ghouls.

    The vault in Book Four won't break immersion, I promise

    It is correct and safe to assume that any time there are extra opponents in a combat that do passive damage (ghouls etc.), they will ignore armour.

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