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Topic: Multiple opponents in Heart of fire.

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  • Multiple opponents in Heart of fire.

    I can't seem to find rules anywhere for this in HofF. I'm fighting the headless and skull. I figure I should choose my opponent then do the Speed roles and if I beat both my attack goes through to my pre chosen target. If they both beat me I then take damage from both. Would be good to get confirmation.

  • Re: Multiple opponents in Heart of fire.

    Also I assume I can use items and abilities specific to undead for this fight? It says they are undead but there is nothing in the special rules saying it unlike there was for the previous undead fights.

  • Re: Multiple opponents in Heart of fire.

    When you're fighting more than one opponent, you decide which opponent you fight, roll against their Speed, do damage to that opponent, and the other one(s) don't hurt you, unless it specifically says all opponents get to strike you. In Book Three, there are lots of fights against many opponents, and while those extra foes don't get a strike against you, you do suffer 1 damage per opponent you're still facing at the end of a round, until you're down to one opponent. But there are also cool new abilities that help you against multiple foes.

    In the Headless/Skull combat, the Skull has no Speed and 0 Magic, so it definitely can't hurt you outside of its passive damage (so you may want to kill it first to end that passive damage). And you're right, it doesn't say in the combat notes that items that work against undead work against these foes. But before the fight begins, they are called undead foes, so that may be a mistake. Go ahead and fight them as undead foes.

    I love all the questions you have, which reminds me of when I started playing. Keep asking them, if I'm at home with my books, I'll try to answer.

  • Re: Multiple opponents in Heart of fire.

    Haha thanks for answering! Yeah I'm pretty inquisitive with stuff like this as I like to play how the creator intended! I thought it was as you said. Again I chose the hard route so as not to effectively cheat whereby a started by declaring my target then giving everyone a speed/attack score role and if I got the highest my qttack went through to my target. I just rushed the main body down !

  • Re: Multiple opponents in Heart of fire.

    Also kudos to MJW for the complexity yet still overall easiness of being able to pay these books. I can't begin to imagine the mapping of scenarios and play testing that would need to be done to balance skills and gear and how/when you acquire them!

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