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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Magic mushrooms :)

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  • Magic mushrooms :)

    Hi - I have a question about using mushrooms in combat. The rules state that marshsticks increase speed by 3 for 2 rounds, then your speed is reduced by 1.

    If I have speed of 12, I assume that I have a speed of 15 for 2 rounds and then it drops to 11 (not 14). Is that right? (Same question for the other mushrooms as well)

  • Re: Magic mushrooms :)

    Yup, you're correct. You increase your initial speed attribute by 3 (+3) - then when the effect wears off, you suffer a -1 initial speed penalty (-4).

    So, if you had speed of 10 - using a marshstick takes you up to 13 speed for two rounds. Then your base speed drops to 9 for the remainder of the combat.

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