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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Icelock career

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  • Icelock career

    Hi, I don't understand much about the career of hero. I found the item 'winter's heart' and its ability is icelock career (761). I don't get what kind of this career and how is it.

    And I don't understand what is the difference between a mace/wand/staff and a rod, in DQ: Legion of Shadow?

    Could you help me please? I'm really curious to know...

  • Re: Icelock career

    I'm not really sure what you mean by what kind of career. The icelock is a mage that specialises in ice magic (as the name suggests). If you want some background on the career then you can visit here:

    The career works in the same way as others, in that it gives you two extra abilities. Although you can only ever have one career at a time.

    There is no difference in game terms between the weapons you mention - they are simply given a description to add flavour/interest to your character. Weapon types in the first book only affect Rogues.

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