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Topic: Do Bleed and Venom stack with themselves

Page: 1
  • Do Bleed and Venom stack with themselves

    Couldn't find this by searching the forum, but do abilities like Bleed or Venom stack with themselves. In other words, if I have 2 items with Bleed, will I do 2 damage/round or still 1? My guess is the latter, but wanted to verify.

  • Re: Do Bleed and Venom stack with themselves

    No, if you have 2 items with Bleed ability, they won't combine for 2 points damage. It's still only 1 point of damage. Same with Venom, Disease, etc. But if you have Bleed and Venom, those are two different abilities, so you would add the 1 for Bleed and 2 for Venom to do 3 points total (assuming your opponent isn't immune.) There are other abilities that improve the damage done by Bleed and Venom. In the 2nd book, the ability Gouge will add that 2nd point of damage, if you have the Bleed ability.

  • Re: Do Bleed and Venom stack with themselves

    Thanks T-man. I thought as much, but wanted to confirm.

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