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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: The Backpack

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  • The Backpack

    So I just recently learned about this book (LoS) from a friend, and so far I love it, but that's to be expected from such a great book. I am still in Act I and have already ordered the next book. So far there is only one thing that I am not sure of. I know that when you get a new item and equip it, the old item cannot be moved to the backpack in case you change your mind, but is instead destroyed, forcing you to choose wisely. My question therefore is: Can I put the NEW item in my backpack if I have room before equipping it, so I can move on with my adventure before taking the major leap of an equipment change?

  • Re: The Backpack

    Glad you are enjoying the first book!

    In answer to your question - I'm afraid not. You can only place an item in the relevant slot (so main hand items can only go in main hand slots etc.). Items labelled as backpack items are the only items that can be placed in the backpack.

    If Book Four comes to fruition, then there will be a 'vault' option where you can store items.

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