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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Enchanted stone

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  • Enchanted stone


    Quick question about Enchanted stone: it makes the statues immune to 'all passive effects, such as bleed, burn, and venom'. So does this mean they're _only_ immune to passive abilities that are similar to those three, where damage is automatically done at some point during the round, or is the player also unable to use passive abilities like Black rain and Swift strikes that affect the amount of damage applied to the statues?


  • Re: Enchanted stone

    Black Rain is not 'passive'. The passive effects are the ones listed in the glossary as '(pa)'. I will, of course, defer to Da Boss, but by the wording it would apply to ALL passive effects, including Swift Strikes.

  • Re: Enchanted stone

    Thanks, Kodanshi. My glossary does have Black Rain listed as a passive ability (which did seem strange to me given what it does); I'm assuming the glossary's been updated since my version, so thanks again for pointing it out.

  • Re: Enchanted stone

    Hi JessAC - sounds like you have one of the first printings of the book. That ability is a combat (co) ability and was correctly updated in subsequent printings. The online glossary (available on the downloads page) is the most up-to-date version.

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