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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Shield Wall Question

Page: 1
  • Shield Wall Question

    Shield wall (co): (requires a shield in the left hand) Use this ability to double your armour score and inflict 1 damage dice to your opponent, ignoring their armour. You can only use this ability once per combat.

    So when can I use this ability - just at any time during the combat? And does my doubled armour last?

  • Re: Shield Wall Question

    The description should read 'for one combat round only'.

    This is a combat ability and therefore can be used in the combat phase of the round. You can use it if an opponent has won the round and is inflicting damage on you (so the extra armour will absorb some of that). Alternatively, you could use it if you have won a round, to benefit from the 1 damage die to your opponent (although not sure what circumstances would make that a better option vs. just rolling for a damage score).

    You might want to take a look at the hero vs. hero rules on the downloads page. They are worth a read, as they give a very detailed breakdown of combat (for pvp) but also give a clearer sense of when abilities can be played.

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