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Topic: Avoiding Special Attacks

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  • Avoiding Special Attacks


    My friend was playing LoS at the weekend (and thoroughly enjoying it, I might add) and I noticed that he was using his Vanish, Evade and Sidestep abilities to avoid the 15 damage per round that comes from King Louis' special ability. He also had Backdraft and Retaliate and used these to inflict damage back on King Louis when he couldn't avoid the 15 damage. (He had a backpack full of healing potions and a bottle of Forest Dew fortunately).
    The text for the special ability doesn't specifically state that they can't be avoided in this way but I was wondering if this was a legitimate use of these combat abilities?


  • Re: Avoiding Special Attacks

    No, I'm afraid you can't use those abilities to avoid that damage. The wording for King Louis states that you 'automatically' take the 15 damage. In many ways, it is passive damage (like venom and bleed).

    I sort of agree that the wording for dodge abilities like vanish, evade and sidestep could be more explicit. Perhaps a better wording would be:

    Dodge (co): Use this ability when you have lost a combat round, to avoid
    taking damage from your opponent's damage score/damage dice.

    As long as your friend is enjoying the book, that is all that matters! ;)

  • Re: Avoiding Special Attacks

    Hah, thanks! So really my friend should have ended up with one squished Rogue then. Never mind - I won't tell him and spoil his fun, but I'll bear it in mind for my next run through for sure. Still have to finish 'HoF' first though ....

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