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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: "Command" in Hero vs. hero combat

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  • "Command" in Hero vs. hero combat

    After someone play "Command" in Hero vs. hero combat can other players use "3. Dodges and interrupts"?

    Maybe not because in the text is written "If command, is played, the combat round advances to step 4 (the loser becomes the winner of the round). But let's clean this

  • Re: "Command" in Hero vs. hero combat

    Hmm. I think my original reasoning had been to assume that command was a rare and powerful ability, that negates the opponent's chance to evade. I suppose I was also keeping the evade phase to a single step.

    However, looking back at it I think the line: (the loser becomes the winner of the round) dictates that logically the "new" loser should now be able to use an evade ability.

    So I am going to amend that line to read the following:

    If command is played, the loser now becomes the winner of the round. Return to step 3.1.

    I will update the hero vs. hero rules this weekend, with that change and also add in the HoF abilities too.

    Sorry Mean Streak!

  • Re: "Command" in Hero vs. hero combat

    No sweat. I agree with the ruling. I thought it is how it should have worked.

  • Re: "Command" in Hero vs. hero combat

    Uploaded version 2.0 of the Hero vs. hero tournament rules.

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