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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Glutinous Maximus

Page: 1
  • Glutinous Maximus

    Glutinous maximus: Every time you win a combat round, you are reduced to using one speed dice for the next round of combat while you pull your weapons free from the slime. You can’t use abilities to avoid this.

    What is meant by 'you can't use abilities to avoid this'? Should I not be able to use abilities that let me use additional speed dice?

  • Re: Glutinous Maximus

    Yes, that's how I play it. I wouldn't be allowed to use anything that would give me an extra attack die but I think that any modifier abilities that increase your speed or speed/modifier abilities that remove attack dice or speed points from the 'blob' would be legitimate to use.

    One question I had on this encounter is this: if you do happen to win an Attack Round after rolling with only one die, would you have to fight the next round using only one die as well?

  • Re: Glutinous Maximus

    Yes, it basically means that you must use one speed die for that round no matter what (so abilities like haste will not help you). However, you are free to use all other abilities.

    The penalty only applies for the next combat round. If you lose the round, then you don't suffer the penalty again. It only applies if you win (and hence your weapons get stuck.)

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