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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Legendary Monsters - Only one attempt allowed?

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  • Legendary Monsters - Only one attempt allowed?

    Hi all,

    I notice that the text at the end of each Legendary Monster encounter states that if you are defeated you have no choice but to return to the quest map.

    Does this mean that if you are killed when fighting a legendary monster, you are not allowed to go back and try again like you would for most other fights?

  • Re: Legendary Monsters - Only one attempt allowed?

    I assumed you can go back and try as many times as you like.

  • Re: Legendary Monsters - Only one attempt allowed?

    I think you're right actually - I notice that the same text appears after the Boss encounters as well; it would be a bit pointless if you weren't able to move on with the story after failing to defeat a Boss!

  • Re: Legendary Monsters - Only one attempt allowed?

    'Return to the quest map' is the default text for when you lose/die at an encounter. You would follow the standard rules for dying as set out in the rules. So, yes, you can return to the entry point where you died and try the encounter again. (And again, and again...)

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