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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: How can we use "Rust" magic

Page: 1
  • How can we use "Rust" magic

    Can I use "Rust" more than one times? Or if I have this ability twice or more I use it again?

  • Re: How can we use "Rust" magic

    No, like most abilities, it can only be used once. The 'this ability can only be used once' descriptor was missing from its Glossary entry. I'll update the online version when I get a chance.

    Thanks for pointing that out!

  • Re: How can we use "Rust" magic

    Can I clarify if this means that it can only be used once per combat or that it can only be used once per opponent (when fighting multiple enemies)?

  • Re: How can we use "Rust" magic

    Like most abilities, only once per combat.

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