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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Do I have to roll a Damage Die?

Page: 1
  • Do I have to roll a Damage Die?

    The rules state that "The winner rolls one die and adds their brawn or magic to the total (whichever is highest)."
    Does it mean that I must roll, even if I do not want?

    I explain my problem.
    I found myself fighting enemies that dealt me damages every time I hit them, while "leeching" them with several passive abilities. My only hope was to roll a tie for attack speed or lose the round and use some ability to avoid damage.
    Can we say that winning the round only allows to roll for damage, leaving the choice to the player?

  • Re: Do I have to roll a Damage Die?

    Yes, if you win a combat round you must roll for your damage score (or use an applicable ability instead).

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