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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Career Items

Page: 1
  • Career Items

    What happens to the items that have a specific career as a requirement, when I switch to a different career?
    Are they removed immediately or can they be kept until replaced with a new one?

  • Re: Career Items

    There was some discussion about this in an earlier thread:

    Like I mention in that thread, it is a bit of a grey area. I would say that 'yes' you can keep the item equipped until it is replaced.

    In Winter's Fury I have avoided this by having no items with career requirements. Instead, the careers themselves will have requirements. For example, in the career sneak peek today, the Reaver needs a grapple item equipped to use his two career abilities. But any rogue career can equip the grapple, they just don't get the extra abilities that come with the Reaver.

    I think that is a more elegant solution!

  • Re: Career Items

    It looks like I missed that topic. Very well, now things are clearer.

    Is it the same for items that actually "grant" you a career? I am speaking about Tiger's Fury: if I become a Berserker in Act2 and later switch to Cavalier in Act3, can I still keep the Speed bonus until I find another item for the Talisman slot?

  • Re: Career Items

    No, any career specific abilities are lost. You can only ever have one career (and therefore two career abilities at a time).

  • Re: Career Items

    I was speaking about the +1 Speed granted by Tiger Fury: is that lost as well?

  • Re: Career Items

    No, you don't lose attribute bonuses. If that was the case you may as well lose the item

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