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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Jolando's Safehouse

Page: 1
  • Jolando's Safehouse

    When I find a new item, do I have to equip it right away and put the old one in the safehouse (reference 49) or can I store it and keep the one I already have?
    The rule is not 100% clear.

  • Re: Jolando's Safehouse

    As per the wording of the rule - you have to equip the new item and the old item goes into the safe house. The old item can be re-equipped if you wish, between quests. (Basically the locker/safe house is a buffer to stop a replaced item being permanently destroyed.)

    For Books 1-3 you should technically have no serious need to store items, you should be constantly upgrading. I added it to allow experienced players (who might be on their second or third play-through) to identify items or abilities that may come in useful later, and store these for later use. More likely with rings and talismans, where the stats stay relatively consistent.

    If Book 4 goes ahead, this aspect will be developed more - so that there is some strategy to collecting extra items and stashing them.

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