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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Par 384 Gaia battle

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  • Par 384 Gaia battle

    Confused about what happens if I defeat roots before end of third round do they grow back next combat round and start dragging me again or do they stay dead?

  • Re: Par 384 Gaia battle

    The description says they heal at the end of the 3rd round: heal back to full health OR new roots are created. The cycle repeats through the whole combat so choose to ignore roots or kill them *. I chose to ignore them for first few rounds and focused just on Gaia.

    * But killing them means they just grow back.

  • Re: Par 384 Gaia battle

    Yes, that's correct. New roots grow (if they are reduced to zero health) and they start dragging you in again.

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