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Topic: Leaving towns and villages

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  • Leaving towns and villages

    Sorry if this has already been answered.
    I started my quest by going to Tithebury. There seems to be only one exit paragraph from Tithebury which leads you to certain death in the jaws of a giant maggot. If I'm in the village, (paragraph 6) can I just decide to leave the village and go to somewhere else on the map? Shoouldn't there be (a) link(s) back to the wilderness?

  • Re: Leaving towns and villages

    Hi - welcome to the forums.

    When I wrote the first book I assumed that readers/players would return to the quest map whenever they wanted. It wasn't until I started looking at and testing the eBook version that I realised it was a bit inelegant so I added links to 'leave village' to the eBook.

    In The Heart of Fire I have also provided those options, so that it is obvious you can explore a town/village/camp and then return to the map whenever you wish.

    So, in answer to your question, yes you can 'exit' Tithebury and return to the wilderness whenever you wish.

  • Re: Leaving towns and villages

    Thanks Boss.
    Off topic, but when you were working on the Kindle version, was the decision to not build in dice rolling, combat resolution etc. forced upon you by the Kindle development environment or was it Amazon's marketing restrictions? I'm an ex coder myself and have converted a number of gamebooks to run on computers in various languages. To not take full advantage of the possibilities for full automation that e-media offers seems perverse.
    If you have a look at what Tin Man games have done in the Android and PC market you'll see what I mean. Obviously the Kindle does not allow animatins, but hey - I don't actually need to see the dice rolling!


  • Re: Leaving towns and villages

    The eBook version was created for standard eReaders, like the Kindle. The team had to work within the limitations of the current hardware and - of course - keep things simple for themselves. Putting in dice-rolling and interactive combat takes it into serious app territory as opposed to it being a standard eBook.

    Having said that, it's nice to have the hyperlinks in the eBook and be able to jump between paragraphs easily.

    Yeah, I am very much aware of the fantastic work Tin Man Games have been doing. I am very envious.

  • Re: Leaving towns and villages

    Ah. That explains it. Any plans to re-release for the Kindle Fire or any other platforms? I'm sure the market is there.
    I must say I'm enjoying the book and will be ordering volume 2 just as soon as it's available.

  • Re: Leaving towns and villages

    Gollancz will only be doing a straight forward conversion of the books into eBook format; I doubt there will be anything interactive added in their versions.

    But yes, I agree the market is certainly there!

    Glad you are enjoying LoS. Only 8 days to go until publication of Book Two!

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