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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Replacing weapons

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  • Replacing weapons

    Hi, newbie question (everyone go *doh*)

    If I start with a sword (main hand) and decide to buy eg an axe (main hand) from a merchant does the sword get destroyed (as the rules would indicate) or is it acceptable to just pop it into one of my backpack slots for safe keeping.

    Thank you

  • Re: Replacing weapons

    THe item you replace gets wiped/destroyed You only keep what you are wearing. It would be good in future to have a stash or a rule where you can store equipment in your pack. There were some items I regretted losing.

  • Re: Replacing weapons

    Thanks. Are you saying that if I am wearing 'goblin shoes' ((feet) +1 ARMOUR ) and then find 'elf shoes' ((feet) +1 ARMOUR) I can wear both at same time and receive +2 ARMOUR!!! Surely that can't be right?

  • Re: Replacing weapons

    Not what I meant lol. When you take a item your old one is destroyed, gone, kaput. If you took new boots they replace the old ones you had before. Its like an rpg when you swap equipment but here you don't keep the old item.

  • Re: Replacing weapons

    Hi technocube

    You can only have one item equipped at a time in each slot. The item that you replace is destroyed (i.e. is rubbed out by the great eraser of doom) and is no longer available. Old equipment cannot be stored in your backpack under the official rules but, of course, you are free to play by your own rules if you wish.

    Redoubt. You may get your wish in HoF! ;)

  • Re: Replacing weapons

    The stash or having items in your backpack? Either would be awesome but I think I'd much prefer the stash! Only 5 spaces in pack already makes it difficult to keep everything you need.

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