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Topic: Moving from map to map question

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  • Moving from map to map question


    Sorry if this has been addressed somewhere else (I tried looking around, but didn't find anything) before, but I had a quick map/quest question.

    Does the boss monster for each map need to be defeated before moving to the next map? I know it says that the story will be advanced if the end boss monster is defeated, but I was unsure if I could move from map to map without having defeated it/them first.

    This comes up because I was wondering if I could move to Act 2 and complete the green quest (and the one in Act 3) before killing boss monsters.

    I ask only because I don't want to read ahead and spoil any story lines that might pop up due to changing maps.


  • Re: Moving from map to map question

    The boss monster must be defeated before you can 'advance' to the next map. Therefore, sadly, you can't jump ahead to quests on other maps until they have been 'unlocked' (i.e. you have defeated the boss monster of the previous map).

    I think, from a narrative point-of-view, it would be confusing to jump ahead, as the boss monster encounters are followed by story elements that lead your character into the next map.

    Hope that makes sense!

  • Re: Moving from map to map question


    That makes total sense, and is what I thought. I just saw those two greens on the other maps and thought maybe I could level up a little before hitting that first end boss, but it makes total sense that the greens on those maps are probably harder than the greens on the first map to make the transition into the next level(s) a little smoother. Nice thinking there!

    I am having a blast with it and am really enjoying all the story lines. I am eagerly awaiting volume 2!

    Thanks again!

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