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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Multiple Potions in a backpack

Page: 1
  • Multiple Potions in a backpack

    Do multiple instances of the same potion take up multiple slots in a backpack, or are they in any way stackable?

    Is anything stackable, for that matter? You find a lot of herbs and roots in Act 2.

  • Re: Multiple Potions in a backpack

    I've always stacked them.

  • Re: Multiple Potions in a backpack

    Hi Vandervecken!

    Backpack items don't stack I am afraid, so each potion that you have (even if they are of the same type) takes up one space. So, if you had three Pots of healing, they would take up 3 spaces.

    Note that some potions have multiple uses however. Even though a potion takes up one space, it may have more than one use. For example:

    Troll's blood (2 uses)
    Restores 2 health at the
    start of every combat round
    for one combat

    Note that herbs and roots do not take up backpack space, so you can have as many as you want (simply make a note on these on your hero sheet).

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