KerKlick, Left-Hand Luke, Bleed, First Cut
11 September 2011 at 8:24am
Hi there. A handful of fairly miscellaneous questions: -
- The special abilities for Left-Hand Luke (para 320) states that 'for each 1 you roll, you immediately take 2 damage, ignoring armour' (or words to that effect). Does this effect also automatically end the combat round, or does it proceed as normal, taking the '1's as rolled?
- KerKlick (para 393) has a similar ability. 'If you roll a '1' when rolling for your hero's attack speed, you are immediately caught in KerKlick's pincers and must lose 2 health'. Again, does this automatically end the combat round?
- Does the 'Bleed' ability inflict one extra damage in the round you first strike your enemy AS WELL AS in all consecutive rounds? Or does this extra, passive damage only begin in the following round? (I guess the same principle would apply to 'Venom'.)
- Does the 'First Cut' ability apply passive effects such as 'Bleed' and 'Venom'? Certainly, the Assassin's 'First Strike' ability is mentioned as doing so. But if you have, say, Rennie's Slicer or the Mason's Gloves, will 'First Cut' apply passive effects too?
- And, just to double-check rules clarifications I've found elsewhere on the forum: abilities that modify, say, Speed or Brawn must be declared BEFORE rolling the dice... But potions that have a similar effect can be used BEFORE OR AFTER rolling the dice. Is that right?