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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Backfire

Page: 1
  • Backfire

    Hello, a question about backfire - which deals 3 dice damage but at the expense of 2 dice to the user.

    Is this 3 dice PLUS your magic score, or just three dice? Presumably armour applies as normal to the creature hit. Are these damage dice, so that Sear would deal +1 dmg per dice rolled? Thanks!

  • Re: Backfire

    Backfire uses 'damage dice' so you don't add your magic score to the result. (you only use brawn or magic when rolling for a normal damage score)

    Armour does not apply to the creature hit or yourself.

    So using backfire - roll 3 dice and apply that to your opponent, ignoring armour. Then roll 2 dice and apply that to your hero, ignoring armour.

    sear would +1 on each of the damage dice.

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