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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Life spark

Page: 1
  • Life spark

    I'd like to ask something: about life spark, I'm assuming that it only works for my hero's rolls, that is, if my opponent rolls a double for his attack speed, then I don't heal 4 health, right?
    Also, if I use a retaliation ability and I roll a double for damage dice, then should I get the bonus?


  • Re: Life spark

    You heal 4 health every time you roll a double for your hero. So that might be for your attack speed, damage dice etc. It does not work for your opponent's rolls as well.

    And yes, if you use retaliation and rolled a double, you would get the heal - as the dice relate to your hero and not your opponent.

    Perhaps the wording is a bit vague. I'll fix that on the online glossary sometime soon. ;)

  • Re: Life spark

    I also have another question about Life Spark: would it also be triggered automatically by e.g. overload and critical hit? Then I would automatically have a six twice. Kind regards, Sir Matzeur!

  • Re: Life spark

    Yes, life spark would trigger. Changing and manipulating dice is a big part of the game, so I feel that you should gain the benefit.

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