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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Act 3

Page: 1
  • Act 3

    Name: Ragnok
    Path: rogue
    Career: assassin

    Head: BLACK WIDOW +2 speed +2 brawn + webbed
    Cloak: GLOOM SHADE +2 speed +3 brawn + steal
    Gloves: BRACELETS OF FURY + 1 speed + 4 brawn +adrenaline
    Chest: FUNERAL WRAPS + 2 speed +3 brawn + bleed
    Feet: MARSH STALKERS +2 speed + 3 brawn

    Main hand: BRAWLERS SHIV + 2 speed + 4 brawn + venom
    Left hand: ICE SPLINTER + 2 speed +4 brawn + piercing

    Talisman: TIGERS HEART + 1 speed + cats speed

    Necklace: BEETLES SHELLGARLAND + 1 speed + charm
    Ring: KNIGHT'S ROSE + 1 brawn + 1 magic + matyr
    Ring: DRYADS BAND + 1 brawn + thorn armour

  • Re: Act 3

    Good assassin build!

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